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Xamarin forms Lottie Animation [Tutorial 55]

Step1: Our MainPage.xaml will have stack layout where we will add a button and we will call the animation event when in click handler of the respected button.(x:Name=BtnLogin).
Along with that i will be adding some label and some entry fields in order to make the UI screen interactive.
Step2: Your MainPage.Xaml.cs contain BtnLogin_Clicked event handler where we will set animation to be visible. Our JSON file will be  Animation=loading.json” wich will be generated from https://www.lottiefiles.com/. We can alco give Scale=”0.2″ for the animation and play with many more attributes.
Step3: We are going to implement this code in Main Activity class in Android Project after base(onCreate) method.
As we have to initialize the AnimationView for the lottie animation Android Project

Step4: We are going to implement this code in AppDelegate class in IOS Project after .Init();

As we have to initialize the AnimationView for the lottie animation for IOS project.

Step5: hey guys if you want all the lottie files then i will be sharing the link below catch it.

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