Hey guys in this tutorial we are going to implement Xamarin Forms Pending ProgressBar WebView[Tutorial 10].
In this tutorial we will add a progess bar to the webview. It’s necessary to add a progress bar when our webpage loads. So Lets have a look to our MainPage.xaml.
Absolute Layout:
The layout makes it relatively straightforward to position child elements.
It organizes our views in a one-dimensional line either horizontally or vertically.
It is a view for displaying webpages.
Now inside AbsoluteLayout, we will add a webview and progress bar. We will handle the webview using the event Navigating and Navigated command. i.e when our webpage is loading (navigating)then progressbar will be enabled and after it get’s loaded(navigated) then progessbar will be disabled.
Step2: Now if we create an event then we will handle inside MainPage.xaml.cs code behind. Where we are going to enable a progress bar loading to visible till web view is loading. If Webpage is loaded up that Progress bar is going to be disibled.
Here we have added a browser source browser.Source = “https://giphy.com/search/smiling“; so that we will be calling this webpage and add a progress bar till this browser is loaded.