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Asp.net core MVC # Sampurna Full MVC

Hey guys this is not actually a real official post but in this post i will be working on different scenarios that i felt difficult when playing with asp.net core MVC:

1. Adding Cookies :
Note: Here Obj is the variable that i got from database.

Note: After that we are going to call that cookies so that empid is called at any time any place :

2.Privately getting database content :

3.This is how i actually created a login Account Controller and called my database to give the specified screen when a user as well as admin logs in :

4. Upload File to the server
this is a clear example how we can upload file to the server

Inside cs.html part we need to do like this that’s all

5. When Database is empty then we need to add static data to database while creating employee table :

6. If you want to collect database items inside the drop down you will perform like this. I was really tired of doing this :

Now clearly understand we are now going to create another model class MyEmployeeLeave.cs and call it inside view :

Inside MyEmployeeLeave.cs Model class :

Now its time to post the result :

Inside EmployeeLeavesController we will call this way :(Don’t forget to bind leave)

7. This Part is On Xamarin Stuff where if you want to Parse the ITems from the Json

MyJson Script Might be like this :

8. This is a simple way to call a list of item on Button Click creating a Private class let’s go through this :

9. Using Enum in Xamarin forms ;

10.If you want to add item to a new list item.

11. If you want to call specific list item out of id or name
var resultdata = (item.data).OrderBy(m => m.controlOrdinal);
Here item.data is the list or list might be direct some string.

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