Month: February 2019
Simple XML Parser for Xamarin Forms #Tutorial 21
You asked i implemented. 🙂 Hey guys this is a very simple example of paring XML . Inside Models folder we will create MyModel.cs Create a new Folder as MyResources and Place a new XML File Name it as MYXmlFile.xml(Don’t forget make it as embedded Resources) Now at last inside our MainPage.xaml Now at last
Clubbing System.IO storage and SQLite Storage to get Time Stamping Upload and Download Feature Xamarin Forms #Tutorial 21
Hey Guy’s i have been asked with so many SQL and System.IO Question’s in Xamarin forms. 1) How do i store image, video , pdf’s or any stuffs in Both android and IOS.? 2) How do i retrieve back all the items in the form of list. 3) Whether to use Android and IOS Platform
Image Slider from Json Response Tutorial 20
Required Plugins : 1. Don’t forget to add nuget package on all projects i.e shared project , android, ios Platform Specific : IOS project AppDelegate.cs : AndroidProject MainActivity.cs 2. MainPage.xaml MainPage.xaml.cs 3. Create a Model Folder and create a new class MyMainModel.cs 4. Create a viewmodel class :(MainPageViewModel.cs) 5. At last you
Beautiful List View Xamarin Forms
This is a beautiful List in Xamarin Forms excluding the lower list bar from Right. For Binding check my previous Video tutorial to do. Iconize is the font awesome icon implementation. Output : Post Views: 559
Remove List View Item Selection Pale Yellow Color
Inside a Share Project we should create a class Let’s call it as : CustomViewCell.cs Now inside List View We should Call our CustomViewCell Like this : Now We should call the namespace like this : Now it’s time for custom Renderer. For Android CustomViewCellRenderer.cs For IOS : Post Views: 1,183