Month: March 2019
Playing with Title View Xamarin Forms 3.0
MyTestPage.xaml MyTestPage.xaml.cs Post Views: 556
Collection View Pinterest and SnapChart UI Xamarin Forms
This post is under construction 🙂 MainPage.xaml MainPage.xaml.cs MarginConverter.cs MyViewModel.cs Create a model folder and create a new class: MyModel.cs Post Views: 982
Xamarin forms Bindable Layout Examlple
In order to create a Bindable layout you should have Xamarin Forms Version 3.5 and Above. (If not please install from Nuget package) We will use MVVM Approach as usual : Inside Models Folder Create a class Named : Person.cs Inside ViewModels Folder create a Class Named as PersonViewModel.cs Inside MainPage.Xaml Inside MainPage.Xaml.cs Output :
SQL Joing two tables Xamarin forms
MainPage.xaml MainPage.xaml.cs MyTable.cs Post Views: 924
SQL Joining one table Xamarin forms
Make Sure you have installed nuget on all the Project that’s all. MainPage.xaml MainPage.xaml.cs TestTable.cs Post Views: 504
Xamarin forms List view Commanding
HomePage.xaml Homepage.xaml.cs HomePageViewModel.cs Let’s create 2 folder Behaviors and Converters Inside Behaviors folder : BehaviorBase.cs EventToCommandBehavior.cs Inisde Converters Folder : SelectedItemEventArgsToSelectedItemConverter.cs Post Views: 974