Month: September 2023
Xamarin Forms Sending Register Data to Backend Server
//I will be updating this post soon Inside azure portal Create a Resouce “+” sign >Select Mobile> SelectMobileApp> I have written : AppName : MyForm Subscription:Payasyougo Select a new resource group or create a new one Now you have to select free plan for dev/testers for Appservice Plans and Create it Step2: After your service
Custom Embedded Fonts in Xamarin Forms
Embedding free icons : Step 1 : Download the .ttf file from here : Step 2 : Add the .ttf file inside shared project [In my case materialdesignicons-webfont.ttf is my .ttf file] Step 3 : Inside your Shared Project you will have assemblyinfo.cs file. Put this assembly info : [assembly: ExportFont(“materialdesignicons-webfont.ttf”, Alias = “PermanentMarker”)]