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Xamarin Forms Entry Cell [Tutorial 32]

Table View It is a view for displaying scrollable lists of data  where it has  rows that don’t share the same template.It doesn’t have concept of item source so we need to add children manually. Elements in TableView are organized into sections. At the root of the TableView is the TableRoot, which is parent to

Xamarin Forms Label Borders [Tutorial 31]

Label is a view that displays text. In this tutorial we are going to add label borders. In this tutorial we are making use of xaml only. Where we are going to localize the resources required by the label in order to set the label border. The resources dictionary is like collection of object or

Xamarin Forms Stretched Background Image [Tutorial 30]

Advantage of Relative Layout: RelativeLayout is used to position and size views relative to properties of the layout or the views.In this tutorial we are going to make use of relativelayout in order to stretch image to its exact stretched position. RelativeLayout support positioning elements outside of its own bounds. We are going to add

Xamarin Forms Fast Splash Screen[Tutorial 29]

Hey guys in this tutorial we are going to add splash activity in xamarinforms Android project. We dont need fast splash scrreen for ios as it’s not required. In this project we are going to work only with platform specific android project. So Show me the Code for Android: Step 1 : At First Create

Xamarin Forms Local Email Validation [Tutorial 28]

Hey guys in this tutorial we are going to validate the local email that a user enters inside the entry. We are making use of Entry,label and Button Entry: It is used for single-line text input. It supports multiple keyboard types and  can be used as a password field. Label: Label which is a view  is

XamarinForms SlidingPanel [Tutorial 27]

Hey guys we are going to add XamarinForms SlidingPanel [Tutorial 27] . In this tutorial we are going to slide the page towards up position . We will be using nuget as DKsliding Panel add it to all the project. Now : Step1 : Set MainPage As Starting Page: App.xaml.cs: MainPage = new SliderPanel.MainPage(); Step2:

Xamarin Forms CheckBox [Tutorial 26]

Hey guys in this tutorial we are going to implement Xamarin Forms CheckBox [Tutorial 26]. We will be using XamForm Labs nuget and add it to all the project so we will be adding check box controls from the Xlabs Source for nuget: https://www.nuget.org/packages/XLabs.Forms/ *******I don’t recommend using this nuget as it’s now not being maintained.**************

Xamarin forms Activity Indicator for Log In[Tutorial 25]

Hey guys, in this tutorial we are going to add Xamarin forms Activity Indicator for Log In. In this tutorial there is no rocket science working on i am just adding a button on xaml and with the help of click event , we will be haldling that event inside the code behind. And We

Xamarin Forms Alert Dialog [Tutorial 23]

Hey guys in this tutorial we are going to add Alert Dialog in xamarin forms project. So in order to add an alert dialog to the page make your mainpage to start up page in xaml. Basics: Entry: It is used for single-line text input. It supports multiple keyboard types and  can be used as a

Xamarin forms Cool Image Circle [Tutorial 21]

Hey guys in this tutorial we are going to implement Cool image circle using plugin.imagecircleInorder to add a circle image inside xamarin forms at first we are going to Make our MainPage as start up Page so ourStep1: App.xaml.cs will look like this:Step2: Now we are going to call the control xmlns:image=”clr-namespace:ImageCircle.Forms.Plugin.Abstractions;assembly=ImageCircle.Forms.Plugin.Abstractions in xaml. Basics:StackLayout:It 

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