Hey guys, in this tutorial we are going to add Xamarin forms Activity Indicator for Log In. In this tutorial there is no rocket science working on i am just adding a button on xaml and with the help of click event , we will be haldling that event inside the code behind. And We will be additionally adding an activity indicator for that button click.
So show up the code
Step1: Our App.xaml.cs will have mainpage as our start up page.
Step2: Now in mainPage.xaml we are going to add entry, button , activity indicator as x:Name=”activityIndicator” so that this activity incator will be handled inside the code behind. along with that x:Name=”BtnLogin” is also going to be handled inside the code behind.
Now we will handle the activity indicator this.IsBusy = false; when our app starts and when our button is clicked then this.IsBusy = true; is activated and you can make something to do and again we can stop it by adding this.IsBusy = false; command .
So show up the code 😀