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Dotnet MAUI Many To Many Relation SQLITE PCL Database

Benefits of Using [ManyToMany] with a Junction Table Flexibility: Both classrooms and students can be associated with multiple records. This allows for real-world scenarios where a student can attend multiple classes, and a class can have multiple students. Efficient Data Management: Instead of duplicating data (e.g., storing a list of students inside each classroom record

Dotnet MAUI One To Many Relation SQLITE PCL Database

Simple Example : Think of a classroom like a group of students. Each group (or classroom) can have multiple students. For example, “Class A” can have Alice, Bob, and Emma as students. But Alice only belongs to “Class A” — she can’t be in “Class B” at the same time. We will be adding this

Dotnet MAUI One To One Relation SQLITE PCL Database

We will be adding this 3 packages inside our project App.xaml.cs App.xaml PersonPage.xaml PersonPage.xaml.cs PersonViewModel.cs Now we will create 2 tables Person and Password Tables Person.cs Password.cs UserDatabase.cs Full source code Post Views: 376

Dotnet MAUI SQLite Database basic CRUD operation

Add this 2 plugins inside the app https://www.nuget.org/packages/SQLitePCLRaw.bundle_green/ https://www.nuget.org/packages/sqlite-net-pcl/ MainPage.xaml MainPage.xaml.cs ClassRoomViewModel.cs Now let’s create a item or the table that needs to be inserted to database ClassRoomItem.cs Now creating the database ClassRoomDatabase.cs Finally App.xaml.cs Here’s the full source code Post Views: 819

Xamarin Forms Sending Register Data to Backend Server

//I will be updating this post soon Inside azure portal Create a Resouce “+” sign >Select Mobile> SelectMobileApp> I have written : AppName : MyForm Subscription:Payasyougo Select a new resource group or create a new one Now you have to select free plan for dev/testers for Appservice Plans and Create it Step2: After your service

Custom Embedded Fonts in Xamarin Forms

Embedding  free icons : Step 1 :  Download the .ttf file from here :   https://materialdesignicons.com/ Step 2 : Add the .ttf file inside  shared project [In my case materialdesignicons-webfont.ttf is my .ttf  file] Step 3 : Inside your Shared Project you will have assemblyinfo.cs file. Put this assembly info  : [assembly: ExportFont(“materialdesignicons-webfont.ttf”, Alias = “PermanentMarker”)]

Dotnet MAUI zip and unzip files with AES security and Password

We are using : https://github.com/icsharpcode/SharpZipLib Library for Zipping and Unzipping the Files inside our dotnet maui project. MainPage.xaml MainPage.xaml.cs MainPageViewModel.cs Make sure you have setup Media integration inside your Dotnet maui project for taking camera photo. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/maui/platform-integration/device-media/picker?tabs=android Post Views: 2,456

Dotnet MAUI Open CV Face Detection

Step 1 : Plugins to add https://github.com/takuya-takeuchi/UltraFaceDotNet Step 2 : Files to be downloaded .bin and .param https://github.com/Linzaer/Ultra-Light-Fast-Generic-Face-Detector-1MB/tree/master/ncnn/data/version-RFB Step 3 : Add this downloaded files to newly created data folder of your project and don’t forget make it as Embedded Resource Step 4 : MainPage.xaml Step 5 : MainPage.xaml.cs Step 6: DetectService.cs Step 7: IDetectService.cs

Dotnet MAUI SMS OTP Generation using TwilioDotnet MAUI

MainPage.xaml.cs MainPage.xaml Post Views: 2,586

Dotnet MAUI Google Maps with custom Pins

Plugin : https://github.com/themronion/Maui.GoogleMaps/tree/maui MainPage.xaml MainPage.xaml.cs AndroidManifest.xml MainApplication.cs MauiProgram.cs Post Views: 4,539

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