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Dotnet MAUI Many To Many Relation SQLITE PCL Database

Benefits of Using [ManyToMany] with a Junction Table

Flexibility: Both classrooms and students can be associated with multiple records. This allows for real-world scenarios where a student can attend multiple classes, and a class can have multiple students.

Efficient Data Management: Instead of duplicating data (e.g., storing a list of students inside each classroom record or vice versa), you store the relationships separately in the ClassroomStudent table.

Automated Relationship Handling: The [ManyToMany] attribute simplifies CRUD operations on related entities. The ORM manages inserting, updating, and deleting relationships in the junction table behind the scenes.

ClassRoomItem Table: Represents the classrooms in the system. Each classroom can have multiple students associated with it, which is managed through the Students list using a many-to-many relationship.

Student Table: Represents the students in the system. Each student can be enrolled in multiple classrooms, which is managed through the ClassRooms list using a many-to-many relationship.

ClassroomStudent Junction Table: Manages the many-to-many relationship by linking ClassRoomItem and Student together. This table contains two foreign keys:

  • ClassroomId references the ClassRoomItem table.
  • StudentId references the Student table.

Let’s create Dotnet maui project

Add this three plugin :
We will be adding this 3 packages inside our project:
<PackageReference Include=”sqlite-net-pcl” Version=”1.9.172″ />
<PackageReference Include=”SQLiteNetExtensions.Async” Version=”2.1.0″ />
<PackageReference Include=”SQLitePCLRaw.bundle_green” Version=”2.1.2″ />









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