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Xamarin Forms Image Cell [Tutorial 42]

 It  a view for displaying scrollable lists of data or choices where there are rows that don’t share the same template. It doesn’t have concept of itemsource so children should be added manually.

Image Cell holds th concept of cells, whose objects are used to place images and accompanying text into a table.
In this tutorial we are going to add images inside the image cell in the table section you can probably do many things inside image cell.
In this tutorial we are simply implementing static images that are going to be set inside the given cell.
  • The root element under the TableView is the TableRoot.
  • There is a TableSection immediately underneath the TableRoot.
  • Then we are going to contents like images inside it.

Step1: Create Anything.xaml

To understand mode about the project you can go to this code https://shrinkearn.com/Bhrz

Step2: Hola!! Your Output is Ready!!!

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